its currently 1AM and i decided to do a sort of update blog of sortss.
as of now im still giddy about my Daisy Animation not only getting both alot of amazing attention and getting FRONTPAGED. But also being my first animation done with actual effort!
Its like a trophy!
AND theres more coming soon! (i cant be certain of a "full" animation of the Daisy Animation but the idea is up there!)
Im currently working on a collab part for a Reanimated Collab so look forward to that i guess. Its something about
2 peculiarly angry beavers probably.
With the cool stuff aside. What else.
idk really. Its now 1:30 AM as im currently writing this.
uh i have like a twitter btw, thats where im mainly active on. you can see my nerdy tweets about FNAF and shit and COOL ART.
While this Newgrounds account collects dust, ill also be posting some if not most of my artworks here (not a promise but ill try)
Still tho its bizzare how much recognition i got within these few weeks, its almost unreal but im very very grateful for it.
It really means alot having my work recognized on a site where i would spend the rest of my hours playing Madness Combat: Project Nexus.